Spawning a Vehicle on One Pad

So I am trying to clone and spawn one vehicle to one singular pad, once the button is clicked but it does not seem to be doing anything. I thought it was this simple?

car = game.ReplicatedStorage["Chevy Caprice pd"]
spawnPart = script.Parent.Parent.SpawnPart
part = script.Parent

	local spawnCar = car:Clone()
	spawnCar.Parent = game.Workspace
	spawnCar.CFrame = spawnPart.CFrame
	print("Car Spawned")
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If the car is a model, you should definitely use :PivotTo() instead of setting the CFrame manually, I think it’s more proper in this case.

Also make sure the ClickDetector event is actually firing, use some prints. If it’s not, make sure CanQuery is true.


Maybe use MoveTo(spawnPart.Positon)?


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