Spawning ceases to work at certain distance

I have been working on a game recently, in which everything was working fine, until I tested playing as the opposing team situated on the far side of the map. Instead of spawning my character on the SpawnLocation, I levitated and was repeatedly refreshed (shown below). I made a copy of the game without any outside scripts and this issue still occured.
After some testing, I found that after a certain distance, spawning simply stops working.
Here’s another instance of that same issue, except there is no levitation(this is at a different location):
I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and it makes it strange how spawning works perfectly fine in other areas.

If anyone has experienced a problem like this before, any help would be appreciated.

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Well if the problem is that spawning too far from where you died or whatever is causing it, one solution is to just have a room where you spawn and once you spawn, teleporting you to where you need to be.

eg set spawn to spawnpart
if touched spawnpart and on team blue then
teleport player 50235 352 3020

something like that

uhhh why would you wanna refresh the character? Use :PivotTo() on the players model and boom you can tp everywhere! hope this helps.

I don’t know coding that well lol. I just put that there in case my poor grammar was too hard to read XD. Thanks for the tip though because ive never even heard of PivotTo so I guess ill use that :cold_face:

ill help ya, here is some code:

local Position = Vector3.New(100, 100, 0) --target location
local Character = Player.Character
local function Teleport(model, Pos)
Teleport(Character, Position)
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Sorry, I should’ve specified. The issue seems to be that spawning doesn’t work the further from the center of the game you are. I found out that if I set the “FallenPartsDestroyHeight” under workspace to a much lower value, the immediate refreshing stops, but I’m still not sure why it spawns the character in the air.

You’re spawn room idea worked, thanks! I wish I knew why it was happening in the first place because it’s such a random issue I’ve never seen before.

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