Spawning under things is bugged after a recent update, spawning you on roofs/out-of-bounds

  • Similar to a very old bug, SpawnLocations that are placed beneath any sort of Part on the vertical axis can cause an issue where the player is forced on top of the Part, even if there is plenty of room to spawn below it. Instead of being placed on or near the SpawnLocation, players often spawn in mid-air or on top of roofs in games with closed areas.

  • The bug happens more rarely with higher ceilings, but still has a chance to occur as long as there is a roof somewhere above the SpawnLocation. Here I am spawning above the lobby in Super Bomb Survival, which has a ton of empty space around & above the SpawnLocations.

In this image I have the SpawnLocation selected. As you can see, there’s tons of empty space above it, but after this bug showed up, you can spawn halfway in the air, or far above the roof.

  • This bug can happen in any game with SpawnLocations that are under other Parts, but has a higher chance to occur with lower ceilings. As an example, here is a short video of me replicating the bug in Studio:
    GIF | Gfycat
    And here is another example where I respawn the player until they spawn waaaaay higher than they should, above the entire lobby, in Super Bomb Survival:
    GIF | Gfycat

  • Bug started happening earlier this week.


I was getting this issue in one of my games with pretty high ceilings and R15, I haven’t seen it happen in Zombie Rush which is R6 and has relatively low ceilings


Can confirm. I have started getting many reports about players spawning above lobbies since yesterday. Had no such problems before.


Not sure if related but MM2 has players randomly spawning in the air even though there’s no bricks above the SpawnLocations. They just fall into the lobby from way high up…


It’s gotta be related, half the time players don’t spawn on the SpawnLocations for me either and start in midair with slight upwards velocity. It’s really weird.

I’ve had this issue for what feels like years now, is this only recently becoming major?

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I’m seeing this across several games. Seems more commonly happening to players with non-standard character proportions/packages, but can’t say for sure. Any clue from staff if this can be patched? I don’t expect players to get outside of the map this way, and there is plenty of vertical space for them to spawn.

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I have disabled a change that could be related to this issue but I wasn’t able to track down the issue and come to a definite conclusion about what is causing this.

The flag will only be changed on server restart but it might fix this bug. If anyone is still seeing this in new servers can they update this thread?

Any place files that reproduce this bug or more information about how this bug occurs would be appreciated.

I believe this fixed it. I used to spawn above the lobby around a 3rd of the time before but now I can’t get it to happen any more. Haven’t seen any more bug reports about it either.

Sent you a file of the lobby I use.

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I’ve started experiencing this again recently. Is it possible this bug is live again?

I will look into this, we have not re-enabled the change that was causing this issue previously.

We have an update coming which should fix the spawning positioning code to be based on the size of the character and make it more accurate.

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Can we have an option to disable roof bumping all together for spawn locations?


Alrighty. Let me know if you need screenshots/videos of the bug. It’s very frustrating.

On further inspection + bug hunting, I believe my specific spawning bug may be related to using “Play Here” in Studio.

So I’ve been having this same problem on my Cat’s Cottage showcase, as HomingBeacon mentioned…

I realized it could be the R15 issue. So I simply changed the server’s avatar settings to R6 only and it fixed the issue.

Cat’s Cottage showcase ----> Cat's Cottage - Roblox

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This is really a big issue with my game, Vibe Gas Station, because users were supposed to spawn under the actual outside gas station pump area, but now they spawn on top of it even though there is plenty of enough room under it for them to spawn. It’s tall!

In the past, I was able to make people spawn under things lower than it’s 80-90 stud (approx.) height.

Please fix this? I know it doesn’t happen with some games, but like the person above me, this issue is as of just last year, and is now happening to me even though I don’t use other peoples scripts or models.

I’m incredibly sorry to bump this thread, but a current update seemed to cause this problem again and I’m unable to put in my own bug report.
As of around 2 months ago, spawn points in recently updated places have been spawning my character roughly 135 studs above the spawn point, no matter where it is.

This is what's intended

The player should spawn right at the red arrow, like so:

This is NOT what's intended

In order to spawn the character where I intend, I had to move the spawn down 135 studs, which is way under the death plane.

Otherwise, having the spawn where it’s supposed to be…

This is not okay. I’m not even sure what’s causing it, as there are no post-spawn CFrame operations being done – in fact, in a different level I had to CFrame the player to the spawn point, because having the player spawn 135 studs above it is not something I’d like to do. This came out of nowhere.