already tryed but that doesnt fix anything
The likely explanation is that something is blocking the spawnlocation. Try making sure that there are no invisible walls too close to the spawnlocation.
Then why that do that with all my spawnlocations and all my teams
Because there is something wrong with either where your spawnlocation is and the stuff around it, or your character. Maybe your character’s HipHeight
is being set very high?
No its not very high, it as been set to 0
Also if i set the spawnlocation in total air, that do the same
try to look if IN the spawnlocation there is a parameter broken or something
im lost what how is this possible
I have a feeling this is a roblox bug, not related to any of your scripts.
This happend many times in the past, such as this Bug Report:
I’m not sure how to fix this, maybe try to use :PivotTo() instead of using a spawn location?
what i found is weird if i delete all script by using
for _,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName == "Script" or v.ClassName == "LocalScript" or v.Name == "ModuleScript" then v:Destroy() end end
It works but no scripts affect the player position or spawn…
Weird, do you have any free models in your game? I still think it’s a bug though. Maybe try teleporting the players to spawn yourself if you can’t find a solution.
its weird i need a very very big spawn to spawn correctly
is your spawn location under the destroy height? try moving the spawn up
No, its not under the destroy height.
Did you tried to move its Y position above 0 ?
I found the bug, I don’t know why but that was 1 of my systems, that was a invisible part with no collide. i didnt knew invisible part with CanCollide set to False can make spawn buggy. Also thank you all for trying help me !
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