Hi, guys!
This is something that occurred recently, so I don’t know if it’s a bug that came up in one of Roblox’s updates, or if it’s how SpawnLocations are so supposed to act.
Anyways, I have a series of SpawnLocations in-game that have a direction-arrow on them to easily tell how to place them so the players are always spawned facing towards something. This aligns with the SpawnLocation’s FrontFace, and it worked for a while.
But recently, since I’d say about March or April, they’ve started facing the opposite direction.
Here’s how they look in-game, along with the indicator, and the front face highlighted:
My question is, do SpawnLocations just randomly choose which direction to spawn players in? Or is there some way to remedy this by figuring out which SpawnLocation the game chose for players to Spawn / Respawn on?