I’m trying to make a game where every time you respawn or join, a script runs which makes spawn locations enable and/or disable themselves. For example, I want one Spawnlocation to be enabled with a 1 in 2 chance, while the other spawnpoints are disabled. I’m not that experienced in scripting. Is there a way to achieve this?
Let’s say you have a world with 10 spawnpoints.
You want the game to pick 1 of those locations for a player to spawn in, which changes every time they respawn?
Yeah, but they would have varied chances. For instance, one spawnpoint has a 1 in 2 chance, while another has a 1 in 4 chance, and only one spawnpoint would be active at a time.
I was make to get this but idk what u mean by
local spawns = workspace.Spawns
for _,v in spawns:GetChildren() do
v.Disabled = true
local lucky = spawns:GetChildren()[math.random(1,#spawns:GetChildren())]
lucky.Disabled = false
Will give you a prototype soon.
Precise’s code snippet is on the right track. You can play around with it in the meantime.
This hopefully is a good prototype for RNG spawning.
Add a NumberValue inside of each location, and set the value to the % you’d want, so for example 1 out of 5 would be 20% (20 as NumberValue), and 1 out of 1000 would be 0.1% (0.1 as NumberValue).
--Function to apply RNG
local function chooseRandomSpawn(tableOfSpawns)
local scaleFactor = 10000 --This allows very low chances to be added, such as 1 in a million
local totalChance = 0
for location,chance in pairs(tableOfSpawns) do
totalChance += chance * scaleFactor
local randomNumber = math.random(0,totalChance - 1)
local cumulativeChance = 0
for location,chance in pairs(tableOfSpawns) do
cumulativeChance += chance * scaleFactor
if randomNumber < cumulativeChance then
return location
--Define spawnLocationsFolder
local spawnLocationsFolder = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("SpawnLocations")
--Define table to keep track of chances
local tableOfSpawns = {}
--Loop to fill table
for index,spawnLocation in pairs(spawnLocationsFolder:GetChildren()) do
--Disable previous spawns
spawnLocation.Enabled = false
--Define chance for the spawn location in that iteration
local chanceOfSpawn = spawnLocation:WaitForChild("ChanceOfSpawn")
--Fill table
tableOfSpawns[spawnLocation] = chanceOfSpawn.Value
--Apply RNG when character spawns
--Define location to enable
local chosenLocation = chooseRandomSpawn(tableOfSpawns)
--Enable chosen location
chosenLocation.Enabled = true
--Set up a died listener
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
--Disable previous spawns
for index,spawnLocation in pairs(spawnLocationsFolder:GetChildren()) do
spawnLocation.Enabled = false
--Define location to enable
local chosenLocation = chooseRandomSpawn(tableOfSpawns)
--Enable chosen location
chosenLocation.Enabled = true
now you will need some extra work for making this multiplayer friendly. The way I would do it is to create a value inside of each player, and then change that value, instead of the actual spanwLocation’s enabled property. Then teleport the player to the spawn location that matches the player’s value. I can make this tommorow if you have trouble with it.
Or you can just fire a RemotEevent to the client if you don’t mind potential cheating of the spawn system.
Yes, that would be pretty easy to do… however, you need to show us where you are and post your current script. We can help you fix a script. We are not to wright you a script from scratch.
Failing until you get it right is very much a part of learning to program.
I’m having trouble putting the percentage of 1 in 69 million in the number value, as it is a ridiculously small decimal. How can I make this work, and what does the totalChance variable do?
Every decmial value of a chance is written as 1 / chance.
So the number value of 1 in 69 million is 1 / 69000000. You can use a calculator to easily see the number.
You will also need to add 0 twice on the scale factor so it can handle up to 1 in 100 million. The scale starts at 100, so the factor needs to be multiplied by 1 million (1000000) to reach 100 million.
The total chance is just to make sure that when you add values that stack above 100%, the program doesn’t bug.