Spawnpoint Direction Checker Plugin

Spawnpoint Direction Checker Plugin

This plugin creates a decal on all spawnpoints in your game showing which direction the player will spawn allowing you to easily place spawnpoints without worrying about rotating them in the wrong direction.


The Spawnpoint Direction Checker Plugin is my first plugin and is based around an issue I’ve always encountered and that’s with making sure all my spawn points point in the direction i want them to point. With this plugin you can then spawn a decal on every spawnpoint in the workspace directing you in the player faces when they spawn meaning you do not have to manually find out which direction they would face


Version 1:

  • Base Release Version

Version 2:

  • Changed it so that the decal is shown on top instead of on the front of the part
  • Added a ‘Toggle’ and ‘Reset’ button allowing you to toggle the decal and then reset the spawn points once done
  • Changed decal shown
  • Updated Reset button decal

Version 3:

  • Made it so you can also use this on spawnpoints with no existing decal
  • Added a ‘Delete’ button so you can delete decals on all spawnpoints
  • Updated ‘Reset’ buttons decal

Version 4: (Current)

  • Fixed issue on plugin not working when attempting to work on around 60-100 spawnpoints

You can find and download the plugin here:


Simple but would still be great! I’ll probably be using this!


Simple plugin, yet saves ages of times testing! 'preciate it


Are you using the Roblox weapons kit or a customer locked camera? There’s some code in the third person shoulder camera that seems to check the initial direction camera is facing and then rotate the humanoid to match- this breaks spawn orientations in my experience


Oh sh**. Yeah I am using my own camera lol. Thanks so much man


This actually had to be in roblox from the start…

Not to discredit anyone’s work, but Roblox already lets you check the direction a SpawnLocation is facing. No plugins required. Just right-click the object and toggle the orientation indicator.


people keep forgetting about this, they added this stuff when they phased out the surface types as everyone used the motor face as an arrow

From when i’ve tried this though i can’t do it with multiple spawn points.