Special Mesh Texture not rendering properly

Hello, I am getting into vfx and I am having an issue where this special mesh, which is meant to show a slash, isn’t rendering properly and just shows the mesh shape and material/color instead of the texture applied to the mesh. I noticed that when I change my fps down to 60 it starts to slightly show the correct frames but still bugs out. I’m just using a for loop to iterate through the textures, instead of connecting it to renderstepped. Why might this be?

I slowed it down and it seems that every time the texture changes it takes a very small time to render and the original mesh shows, is this maybe just an issue in studio that I can fix with a setting?

You could try preloading the meshes with PreloadAsync, but if it happens repeatedly it’s probably a loading issue, not that the meshes haven’t been preloaded.

This kind of issue happens when switching between images quickly too. Generally the trick is to have multiple instances.

I would recommend having multiple mesh instances for each mesh asset instead of just a single mesh and rapidly changing the texture property.

If you’re very worried about efficiency you could try having two meshes and alternate between using one as a loading buffer (i.e. have a mesh on one, get the next mesh on the other, show the other, load the next mesh onto the first one, etc).

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Thanks for the quick response, I’ve been busy the past couple weeks so I didn’t finish this issue but I tried both of those solutions and neither seemed to work. Have you ever encountered performance issues by using an instance for every single frame of the texture? I am going to try to build a better implementation for a buffer system, I’ll reply again on this thread if I figure out something good.

Alright, it’s fixed. Apparently if you have an instance for every texture loaded elsewhere in the workspace, it wont try to load it again on the created vfx. Must just be part of the optimization functionality of the engine. So I guess, always load a permanent, non-transparent, instance for every single texture asset that needs to be referenced at the beginning of the game and vfx won’t have any problems.

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