SpecialMesh VertexColor replicating improperly


I am making a weapon system and ran into a pretty serious problem regarding how the VertexColor property of SpecialMeshes are not replicating properly when welded to the player’s hand.

For some reason, the glowing effect replicates properly (see picture below) but it won’t when it’s welded and whatnot.


The VertexColor value is 5,1,1
The SpecialMesh’s MeshId and TextureId are filled.
The part is welded to the player’s RightHand (R15 obviously)
The part is parented to the player’s character

  1. CanCollide = false
  2. Massless = true
  3. CastShadow = true
  4. Transparency = 1

I had the same problem, Have you solved it yet?

For me the issue was because it was “deep” in the workspace hierarchy, so it was something like:


I came to the conclusion that VertexColor effects, after reaching a certain lower position in the workspace hierarchy, won’t render.

… so I solved it by making a separate folder inside workspace that only stored the aforementioned model. This is what the adjusted hierarchy model looks like in runtime:


workspace.Living.overflowed : Character
workspace.RenderedHammers.overflowed : Part --has specialmesh inside
