Specific group social link display based on group roleset

As Roblox developer, it is hard to show social media links to specific group roles. If you have multiple Discord servers, like one for the community and one for moderators or a private Facebook page for your special contributors, it’s lot of struggling to show those to a specific group role. Indeed, you can place a list of those off-site, but it’s not that easy to view.

Player A is owning a group. He’s using Discord for communicating with his community and moderators. Since the growth of his server, he’s thinking about a separate server for his moderators. He’ll go to the Group Admin of his group:

Links in this example image are not real and used for testing purposes.

Now, if a moderator of the group checks the group page, the moderator will see both servers. If someone with a role below moderator in the group checks the group page, that user will only see the community server.

Summarised: If group owners could limit the visibility of their social media links (in this example for Discord, but also for private Facebook pages or something else) to users with a specific role in the group, it would make it more organized. This would improve the overall group management on Roblox.

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