I’ve been using a leaderboard module, and I got it to properly show up, however, now I’m facing a new issue. Despite indicating the icon I wish to display within the Icons module, the icon does not show up. I’m currently at a loss as to what to do here, and any help would be most appreciated.
Icons module
local PREFIX = "rbxasset://textures/ui/PlayerList"
local ASSET_CONFIG = "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolBox/AssetConfig"
local Icons = {
Option = {
ExamineAvatar = PREFIX.."/ViewAvatar.png",
SendFriendRequest = PREFIX.."/AddFriend.png",
SendFriendRemove = PREFIX.."/UnFriend.png",
Block = PREFIX.."/Block.png",
Display = {
Friended = ASSET_CONFIG.."/menu_friends.png",
Blocked = PREFIX.."/BlockedIcon.png",
Owner = PREFIX.."/OwnerIcon.png",
Developer = PREFIX.."/developer.png",
Premium = PREFIX.."/PremiumIcon.png",
Empty = "",
TestTeam = PREFIX.."rbxassetid://18413212927",
Button = {
Toggle = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/homeButton.png'
return Icons
Playerlist Module line 538, 552
local function updateIcon(icon, isBlocked, otherPlayer)
if (otherPlayer.UserId == RPS:GetAttribute('Creator')) then
icon.Image = Icons.Display.Owner
elseif otherPlayer.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
icon.Image = Icons.Display.Premium
elseif localPlayer:IsFriendsWith(otherPlayer.UserId) then
icon.Image = Icons.Display.Friended
elseif isBlocked then
icon.Image = Icons.Display.Blocked
elseif localPlayer.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Crimson") then
icon.Image = Icons.Display.TestTeam
icon.Image = Icons.Display.Empty