[SPEEDKARTING] Training Handbook

Speed Karting Training Handbook

Your Job:

As a track staff you are supposed to….

  1. Host sessions
  2. Help with any track issues, Crashes, Spinouts, Tower
  3. Help with customer service

When Hosting a Session:

When hosting a session you must use the format and make sure the time is reasonable, DO NOT host sessions at the same time you are making the announcement. None will show up and the session will be a failure. Your sessiontime should be like this, 8:00-8:30 or 9:30- 10:10.

You are also incharge of any track staff who joins the game, You are allowed to assign them to certain areas to work at like, The tower,Certain sections,Briefing room. Just because you are the host does not mean that you may admin abuse or do things that are not allowed.

Working the tower

When working inside the tower your job is to manage the signals and make sure that the racers stay safe at all times. You are also to listen to the host and other track staff as they are your eyes and ears. When changing signals make sure you slow down before turning red. This is to make sure they get a warning before the light turns red. You are also incharge of the start line. When starting the race make sure you use the start lights, You would set your start lights to red. When the host says start then go to yellow and then green. Make sure the track lights are on red until the start lights turn green. You are allowed to Use the announcement commands to get the racers attention. At all times must you keep your radio to communicate with the tower. If you chose not to use the radio you will be required to use the VC.

Working on the track

You are to monitor the racers and help the tower. At no time must you be sitting in the Kart bay or with the Tower controller. You can fly around the map and watch the racers and make sure everything is going ok. If something is happening please make sure your notify the tower. Take this as an example. (Someone’s Kart is stuck on the hill Be advised to turn lights to yellow) Or( Major crash in tunnel- Be advised to turn lights to red) At all times must you keep your radio to communicate with the tower. If you chose not to use the radio you will be required to use the VC.
You can also direct traffic with your traffic stick and make sure the racers can avoid the crashes or stuck things. If the racer is stuck then you can push them DO NOT bring them that can make the Kart glitch. You can fly into them to try to get them unstuck. If they are stuck very badly respawn them and get them a new kart.

You are now ready to start your job at SpeedKarting

If you have any further questions please contact 6QL4#3686!