SpeedKarting | Training

Here we will talk about the Training.


Trainee 3 Strikes

Junior Crew 2 Strikes

Crew Member 1 Strike

Senior Crew 0 Strike


During the training there will be 3 sections such as Troll Test, Basic Job Instructions (found in session guide) and Trivia.


(When your group is set at the station, do the following)


Introduce yourself to your trainees. Make them welcome.

Basic Job Instructions

Explain your trainees their job. And what to do in situations. Explain what exactly is there job and what they should do. Make sure every trainee understands by asking them questions.

Troll Test

The troll test is to see what people do in some situations. Inform them on how many strikes to give, and what to do in a situation with an troller/exploiter. You can proceed by dressing up and performing the role of a troller do see how your trainees will react to troll situations.


This is the final step. Ask them questions to ensure they know their job and what to do.


You can then tell the passers that they will be ranked, you can then rank/tell HR to rank them. Congratulate them. People who got strikes (depending on the rank) you can kick them. See the original page for more.

Once ranked, you may kick them from the game.
