Worked really hard on this video took many hours to edit:
You sound a lot like AlvinBlox
People have said that before lol
looks like this will be a great game!! I like the suggestion of a monster that can only be seen on camera. Maybe you have to flash a camera flash to see it, or use night vision on a more modern camera to see the infrared light
Great ideas thanks for the feedback
The game went through massive improvement here, and I really like the new lobby. Maybe you can add other stuff in the maze besides walls to break up the repetition, like crates or stuff that could tie into the story
good ideas thanks for the feedback!
I noticed many spots where the wall is glitching out a bit. This happens when two objects occupy the same spot x, y and z. This glitching can be avoided by simply placing one of the object just a bit off from the other. This can be a very small difference, 0.010 … can’t really be seen but will avoid the graphic glitches.
oh I thought I fixed that were in the video did you see it happening
Can you tell me what editor you use?
To edit the video I used Premiere Pro
i love your editing!!! super high quality
Ayyy im in the video hehe
Thanks I worked really hard in it