Spider-man swinging

Hello there!, I am currently working on a spider-man swinging system for fun!. And I would love to get some feedbacks because I have no idea what to tweak.
You can check out it here!: https://gyazo.com/b0cd2f365761fb15420bcf2c70cc8046

Any advice is welcome!
P/s: I am aware of animations, I am just too lazy to make it as of right now :sweat_smile:
Edit: The game is released! you can check it out here: Feedback on my first ever game! - Project: Spider - #4 by Shadow_TheDev


thats really sick maybe bendy ropes make it more realistic and it kind of looks weird because you’re here and the rope is like tilted

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Looks pretty awesome! reminds me of the spiderman games!

Talking about which, I think switching the hand that’s used to swing and maybe adding some animations mixed with lerping if you feel like it would give that satisfactory effect you get on those games.

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Yeah the ropes are just beams which are connected to the points in the buildings, it has no other use than decoration, the detecting system I use is pretty bad so I will have a look on how to make it function better. Thanks for your reply!

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That is a great idea! I will keep that in mind, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it!

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