Spider-man's Web Zip

Used raycasting to find the edges


epic, you mind making the running and walking animation not the defualt, so its more satasifying?


Sure thing. I havent had much time focusing on movement animation because i really suck at animating them, especially the walk/run.

I can help if you’d like, i can animate stuff, i also feel like when your zipping to the other side its to slow, i feel like it should be faster, and that like you can sprint with shift (if thats already an thing) also is there an testplace for this game?

Thank you for your offer but, I solo all of my projects because i want to learn as much as I can. Yes there is a test place but the new web swinging/zipping isn’t implemented yet.


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What game is this? I want to play it!

Wow, this is epic. Seems a little fast though but maybe you want it that way. Nice work!

Awesome, but I am curious, how does one use raycasting to find edges?

I put the gui on where the position of the ray ended, then I set the Y axis of the part to the Hit’s Y position + Hit’s Y size divided by 2. I’m really bad at explaining things but if you want me to go in depth ill try.

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You should make a wall climbing.

Could you make this open-source, seems really cool!

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I really hope this game does not flop, like 5000% of other well-made games, while ultra mega fun obby gets millions of visits.


This is the progress after a week of posting this.
robloxapp-20210912-1441160.wmv (3.3 MB)

This is mind blowing. Gives me the spiderman 2 vibes.