Spinning part help

Hello! i have been trying to make an Aura for VFX and for one of the parts, is a part that is attached to the player that spins faster and faster(using a script). However, when i attach the part(using motor6D because its required) it spins the player with it, and i cant seem to fix it. I tried to motor6d it to other parts other then humanoidrootpart, but i couldnt figure it out. I cant use animations because i cant find a way(other then :AdjustSpeed() which doesnt work for me for some reason) to speed up animations

Thank you

Can you use a different constraint? like a ball and socket?

motor6Ds are usually for making joints for a rig. the only way (as far as I’m aware) to move them is via an animation.

nope, has to be either motor6d or attachment

Anything you attach to a Humanoid has to have the Massless Property checked to true. Otherwise it affects the Humanoid’s physics.
Just use a HingeConstraint to rotate the Massless Part.

I have never made an aura for VFX before but I’m pretty sure this effect can be done using Lerping

I cant use any constraints for some reason, its the requirement

Did you make the Part Massless as I mentioned?

yeah, its massless and rootpriority set to -126 and didnt work

I just solved it with :Lerp()
Ty for the help though

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