December 21, 2020, 1:40am
Currently learning Substance Painter, and decided a good exercise would be recreating two of my favorite scenes from the film Spirited Away. Overall was a really fun experience. Everything modeled and textured by me using Blender and Substance Painter. Thanks to @EgoMoose for the portal. Also shoutout roblox for PBR and skinned meshes.
Game Link : Vibe Train - Roblox
the portal to the boiler room is hidden. try looking for a click detector.
It’s beautiful! It really inspires me.
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Awesome work, keep updating this jewel, good night!
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Woah, that’s really amazing bro good job.
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December 21, 2020, 6:16am
Yooo this is sick, I love the animation on this thing in the boiler room as well
also love the integration of the portal, great stuff
Wow, It is good made! I think that man its from a film, I don’t remember what film it is but I think a anime film, anyways the buildings are so cool!
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The whole showcase is about Spirited Away I believe. Sorry for bumping an old topic.
January 16, 2021, 9:19pm
Loving the post processing, and the textures.
January 20, 2021, 7:19pm
Sorry for late response; I based the game off of the train scene / boiler room scene from Spirited Away for sure lol. One of my favorite films by far.
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January 20, 2021, 8:50pm
Oh wow! This is amazing!!! I could only dream of making something this good, great job!
So cool! I actually studied Spirited Away in an English Project a few years back so this gives me some memories
January 21, 2021, 1:11am
That’s amazing. You’ve just got me all hyped up to get back to working.
January 21, 2021, 1:51am
bro this is awesome, i cant wait to play,
January 21, 2021, 2:08am
This is amazing, spirited away is one of my most favorite and memorable movies, great showcase! Do you by chance have a Howl’s Moving Castle showcase?
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March 2, 2021, 1:44am
sorry again for late reply, game is public here : Vibe Train - Roblox
to get to the boiler room you have to click on one of the seats and it will move creating a teleport to the other place
March 2, 2021, 1:45am
I’ve dabbled with creating one but the exterior of the castle is a massive challenge to me in terms of modeling
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