Spitfire Commission! (FoxythDou)

After 3 days, I finally finished this for a commission. Though the interior can do some work, I think overall its good enough.

Feedback is greatly appreciated! (⌐■_■)


As an aviation nut I have a few concerns.
The biggest being the lack of airfoil shape of the wings and control surfaces. It’s really obvious at the wing root as the Spitfire has a very recognizable wing to fuselage joint.
If you have a look at wing shapes they are usually easy to model with Blender or another 3D program as they start out rounded at the leading edge, get thickest at about 1/4 to 1/3 of the chord (front to back) distance and coming to an almost sharp profile at the trailing edge.
Take a look at any Spitfire images and you’ll see what I mean.


a very fine commission, if i had one gripe itd be the lack of interior in the interior but apart from that its a solid 9/10.


As is I’d give it a 6/10, but If you do fix the airfoil and interior I’d say it has the possibility of a 9.5/10!

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