The official Splash Down Waterpark Training Guide Made by Nukhz
Section 1. Introduction
Greetings, and welcome to the Splash Down training guide! This guide will go through all expectations and scripts that should be said within the training. Make sure to use this guide to help you host a successful training.
Section 2. Training Information
When hosting a training, make sure to keep in mind that you must always be professional, and use grammar. You are the example that others want to be in the future.
Staffing ranks that can be involved in the training will be listed below:
Spectating Ranks: Junior Corporate+
Hosting Ranks: Executive Board+
Co-Hosting Ranks: Assistant Director+
Trainer Ranks: Shift Manager+
Helper Ranks: Shift Leader+
Ranks that can attend trainings will be listed below:
Slide Operator
Park Security
When hosting a training, the host and co-host must be at the training centre 30 minutes prior to the start to allow people to join. Within those 30 minutes, please go down to the section called “Group Shouts” and do the things it tells you to do. After 30 minutes, you may start the training. You must run the :slock command to lock the server when you start. For example if my training was at 10:00 PM EST, I would join at 9:30 PM EST, and announce the announcements needed. Then at 10:00 PM EST, I would run the :slock command and post the necessary announcements. Within the trainings, you will have 4 teams. Each team will train a different rank. Team A will train Trainees, Team B will train Receptionists, Team C will train Slide Operators, and Team D will train Lifeguards.
Section 3. Group Shouts
30 minutes prior to every session, you must post these announcements. The announcements will be shown below:
In #sessions channel, you will post the messages below:
For the message below, post this 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to allow people to join.
You will post this 30 minutes prior to the start of the session:
Greetings Splash Down! We currently have a training commencing in 30 minutes! All ranks Trainee - Park Security may attend to possibly get promoted if you pass! Come down to the training centre before it’s too late!
You will post this when the training has started:
Greetings Splash Down! Unfortunately the training server has been locked, but don’t worry! Make sure to always be on the lookout for whenever the next session is being hosted. Instead, how about having some fun in the water park?
You will post this when the training has ended:
Greetings Splash Down! The training being hosted by [Host’s username] has officially concluded! If you want to attend another training, make sure to be on the lookout for whenever the next session is being hosted! While you wait, why not go down to the water park to have some fun?
Section 4. Guide Links
Splash Down | Hosting/Co-Host Information