SplashCakez (Animation Portfolio)

Hey guys!

It’s time I’ve updated my portfolio with a fresh new introduction and everything else! I’m SplashCakez formerly SplashGameArt and I’ve been animating Roblox for 5+ years. I can do everything from animating creatures, bosses, Roblox characters, you name it. I usually animate using Autodesk Maya and blender but I also do In-game animations using Roblox Studio! As my special treat I also can make animated trailers for devs :wink:

Anyways if anyone wants to get in contact with me I’ve put my twitter and discord below along with all my work. I don’t usually reply on the forums often but feel free to message me on here as well.

As for pricing I’d prefer telling people privately so if you take the time to message me I’ll gladly tell you my rates :slight_smile:

Twitter: @SplashGameArt
Discord: AySplash#0001


Could you include a price range?


Wow, that’s some amazing work there dude good job! :smile:

Just by watching the first animation video that you linked I can tell that you are a very underrated Animator and it’s very rare to see Animators here on the devforum at all.

I highly recommend this guy he’s very talented, his animations are fantastic and extremely cool, keep up the good work dude!


Sent a friend request, I am aa_xve#4058. Please tell me a price range.

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Thank you I appreciate the compliments :smile:

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Message me for prices! :raised_hands:

Interested! We are making a Colonial RPG games with R6. Models are done, but we need an animator. MrBunnyKing#8346

do you think you could animate the maori haka to match a maori haka audio?

Your work is impressive but please consider taking a look at this to improve your Portfolio

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Hey i’m interested in commissioning you , making a simple game need a simple animation, Bit#8396

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It would really help if you had base prices since I want to commision but I dont know if I can afford it.

Not sure what that is but if there’s reference I can animate it.

Not a fan of that layout, might be cleaner to most but just not for me. Feels a little too extra on the eyes…Thank you though!

I’m talking about the content not the layout, your portfolio has a showcase but lacks key information;

You wouldn’t want people messaging you and then not being able to hire you because of their Budget and/or Time constraints.

(I sent a Discord Friend Request)

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Which is actually something that happened to us. Splash is very talented so our team reached out to him about two weeks ago, and he expressed to our team that he doesn’t have enough time to dedicate towards the game since he’s busy with other projects, and then this post pops up in my timeline.

@SplashCakez I would create a Weebly page and showcase your stuff there, once that’s done you could advertise it through your Twitter account and easily gain a following. But as Ruizu stated, add more information so that people aren’t lead on.

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sent you friend request then (phxtn#6504).

I’m interested with the animations, Is it too late or not? Because I made a friend request (NaiveSpaceface#4940)

Good point, I see what you mean. I’ll try and edit this one more when I get the chance and keep your suggestion for the next time I post a showcase.

Hello. I would like you hire you for our game. MrBunnyKing#8346

Hi i added you on discord :slight_smile: jrm104#9409

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