So I have been wondering about this game idea for a while; but I’m not too sure whether to go through the troubles of making it, because it does sound pretty complicated.
I was wondering about a Splatoon based game. A game where you try your best to paint over as much turf as possible while eliminating enemies and keeping them from painting more.
You would be able to paint over other turf, and the games would be short so that there is a constant rush of adrenaline when it comes to gaining the most of your paint on the ground/walls.
So how do you think this would go? Do you think that it would be a game that you’d enjoy? Please let me know!
Action/Shooter games are hard to really predict. There are many factors to the success or downfall of a new Shooter.
If the game was pretty similar to the original, it might very well get pretty popular. But then you would have to worry about DMCA requests.
If you are going to branch it away from Nintendo’s ip then you would have to make sure to create the character controller fun to play around with.
Plus a lot more things you may have to mess around with, such as the actual shooting mechanics.
But If you did make a game like Splatoon, I do think it would be popular for at least a week due to the demand for paid games on this platform. But you would need to keep it easy to use and fun to play, which is the hardest part of a game.
I myself though would definitely play it.
Ive been thinking about a simple game too make for a while and i cannot think of any. I might steer away from this idea for now because this game needs to get my group off the ground, and it would be better if it was more suited towards the younger/mobile audience.
Honestly it sounds like a really good idea, i play the game myself on the Switch. But You could try changing a little of the Mechanics and Play Style of the Game to try not to get a DMCA request