What do you want to achieve?
~ I want to split an animation to play on two separate rigs. -
What is the issue?
~ This seems to be impossible. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
~ So very much googling and trial-and-erroring, returning too much error to cope with.
Bear with me sorry, it’s long, I tried a lot of stuff.
I want to make a duo dance, so PlayerA and PlayerB dancing together.
I already achieved this once by animating PlayerA, then going back along noting keyframe times and putting position markers to then go and animate PlayerB separately.
This was tedious as heck, and worked for a quick 30 second simple dance, but now I want to do something more complex. I spent three days already just animating this new dance…
So what I did, was I placed PlayerB rig inside PlayerA rig, deleted PlayerB Humanoid and HumanoidRootPart, and renamed PlayerB body parts to BHead, BUpperTorso, etc, and put in a Motor6D from PlayerA LowerTorso to PlayerB LowerTorso.
This was amazing, because now I could animate both players together so I know everything lines up exactly.
The problem I have now, is that those renamed body parts don’t exist in the actual game player.
So PlayerA is doing their movements as expected, and PlayerB does nothing because BHead and BUpperTorso etc don’t exist.
I tried connecting the two players with a Motor6D joint when the dance script starts, but PlayerB just instantly explodes and resets, no matter what I try. Renaming body parts is technically doable but severely screws up the physics, apparently.
I tried scripting to tell it to play BHead on PlayerB > Head etc.
Apparently not a thing.
I tried mapping the Bhead etc body parts to be renamed to just Head etc, and saving the anim as a new anim in a new rig, since the script can play them both at the same time anyway.
Apparently that’s not actually possible either.
I’ve burned three days making an animation, and another entire day today trying to make this work, and now it’s looking like I’m going to have to scrap the whole thing… I need it for tomorrow night and there’s no way I can redo all the PlayerB anim singularly, it’s too intricate.
Please does Anyone have any idea of any way to make this work?
local function copyAnimationTracks(sourceAnimationId, targetRig, trackNameMapping)
-- Load the source animation
local sourceAnimation = Instance.new("Animation")
sourceAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" .. sourceAnimationId
-- Load the animation properly
sourceAnimation = Instance.new("Animation")
sourceAnimation.AnimationId = sourceAnimationId
-- Load the animation onto a temporary rig to read its keyframes
local tempRig = Instance.new("Model")
local humanoid = Instance.new("Humanoid", tempRig)
local animator = Instance.new("Animator", humanoid)
-- Play the animation
local animationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(sourceAnimation)
-- Create a new animation for the target rig
local newAnimation = Instance.new("Animation")
-- Extract keyframes from specific tracks
local keyframesToCopy = {}
for _, track in ipairs(animationTrack:GetAnimationTrackStates()) do
local targetTrackName = trackNameMapping[track.Name]
if targetTrackName then
keyframesToCopy[targetTrackName] = track:GetKeyframes()
-- Apply keyframes to new animation
local newKeyframes = {}
for trackName, keyframes in pairs(keyframesToCopy) do
for _, keyframe in ipairs(keyframes) do
local newKeyframe = Instance.new("Keyframe")
newKeyframe.Time = keyframe.Time
-- Copy keyframe data
for _, pose in ipairs(keyframe:GetPoses()) do
local targetTrackName = trackNameMapping[pose.Name]
if targetTrackName then
local newPose = Instance.new("Pose")
newPose.CFrame = pose.CFrame
newPose.Weight = pose.Weight
newPose.Name = targetTrackName
table.insert(newKeyframes, newKeyframe)
-- Create KeyframeSequence for the new animation
local keyframeSequence = Instance.new("KeyframeSequence")
for _, keyframe in ipairs(newKeyframes) do
keyframe.Parent = keyframeSequence
-- Save the new animation to workspace for further editing and publishing
local newAnimationInstance = Instance.new("Animation")
newAnimationInstance.Name = "NewCopiedAnimation"
keyframeSequence.Parent = newAnimationInstance
newAnimationInstance.Parent = workspace
-- Print message to indicate where the new animation is saved
print("New animation saved to workspace as NewCopiedAnimation")
-- Usage Example:
local sourceAnimationId = 18236808053 -- Replace with your source animation ID
local targetRig = workspace.PlayerBRig -- Replace with your target rig
-- Map source track names to target track names
local trackNameMapping = {
["BLowerTorso"] = "LowerTorso",
["BLeftUpperLeg"] = "LeftUpperLeg",
["BLeftLowerLeg"] = "LeftLowerLeg",
["BLeftFoot"] = "LeftFoot",
["BRightUpperLeg"] = "RightUpperLeg",
["BRightLowerLeg"] = "RightLowerLeg",
["BRightFoot"] = "RightFoot",
["BUpperTorso"] = "UpperTorso",
["BHead"] = "Head",
["BLeftUpperArm"] = "LeftUpperArm",
["BLeftLowerArm"] = "LeftLowerArm",
["BLeftHand"] = "LeftHand",
["BRightUpperArm"] = "RightUpperArm",
["BRightLowerArm"] = "RightLowerArm",
["BRightHand"] = "RightHand",
-- Add more mappings as needed
copyAnimationTracks(sourceAnimationId, targetRig, trackNameMapping)
This is the current code I’m working with for renaming tracks and saving as a new anim to a PlayerB only rig.
But apparently direct extraction is not possible with the Roblox API so Idk why I’m even trying that…
Please help me…