Splitting Point Studios | Looking for UI Artist ($500USD)

Hey there fellow devs! Iā€™m Jandel, founder of Splitting Point Studios! :wave:

Splitting Point Studios is a Studio on Roblox that has accumulated a total of 35M+ game visits, our goal is to create unique and powerful experiences that create a long lasting and memorable impact on our users.

As we expand to further projects, we are actively looking to recruit advanced programmers onto our team, consisting of around 10 advanced, and skilled developers. Though this team of developers does not work on solely one project, but rather split up into teams and work on several projects at the same time; not only does this increase efficiency, but also increases profitability. Teams are usually split into 4-5 developers per project.

We are currently looking to recruit a UI artist who shows skill and determination to strive for success! As a UI Designer on our team, you would be getting paid a flat rate.

Contact us:
Discord - Jandel#3956
Roblox - Jandel
Twitter - JandelRBLX

Is this an opportunity you would be interested in? If so, please contact us on the avaliable contact methods shown above.

Looking forward to hearing from some of you! :smile:
Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time.


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