Spoiler within badge description

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    If there is way to hide spoiler within Badge description like syntax, it would be nice.

  2. What is the issue?
    One of Featured Xbox Game Guidelines says this sentence.

Majority of badge descriptions clearly describe how they are obtained

But majority of “Find the” game is about finding objects and More than just saying “Found object” is spoiling how to do it.

  1. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    Removing entire spoiler… but I don’t want to do that except guideline says so

You could put some description with easy understand but still little hard to do like roblox itself do in most games

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I think this clearly describes how to get the “Noob” badge (as a fake example) in one of these games:

That tells you how to get the badge, but not the item… see what I’m getting at?


Yeah true, but that could just lead to a youtuber trying to find this noob, then making a yt vid about it, if they find it, everyone who watches can get it themselves

The badge is now easy to get

That doesn’t matter since OP is making a “Find the X” game, it will happen anyway

Okay, I see where you are getting at, its in a Find the * game, I now understand

7 :money_with_wings:

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