Sponsor Ads Manager Showing "--" Instead of Numbers - Need Help!

Hello everyone,

I’m currently facing an issue with my sponsor’s ads manager on Roblox, and I’m hoping someone here might be able to help me out.

Whenever I access the ads manager to check the performance of our campaigns, instead of seeing actual numbers or data, all I see is “–”. I’ve waited for some time, refreshed the page multiple times, but the issue persists. Here is a screenshot of what I am experiencing below:

I’ve also made sure that I’ve selected the correct date range and checked my account permissions, but everything seems to be in order. My campaigns are active, and there should be data to display.

I’m at a loss on what to do next. Has anyone else experienced this issue before or knows how to resolve it? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions to help me get this resolved.

Thank you in advance for your help!