Sponsored Ads API broken for group items

The following API returns null even though the group does contain items.
The group id: 10435498

The HTTP request:


The response (with status code 200):

    "keyword": null,
    "elasticsearchDebugInfo": {
        "elasticsearchQuery": null,
        "isFromCache": false,
        "indexName": "",
        "isTerminatedEarly": null,
        "isForceTerminationEnabledByRequest": null
    "previousPageCursor": null,
    "nextPageCursor": null,
    "data": []

The result is an empty ‘Items’ tab in the Sponsored Ads section.


In addition, this request was made on my Chrome browser, so not by an automated program. I just used developer tools to see what API caused the issue of not loading my group’s items.

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And ANOTHER addition, this does not work for regular users either. For my own user creations, it does not return any items either. I tested the API request with a friend, and for his account it also returned an empty ‘data’ array.

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