Sponsored Ads Getting Stopped R$ Aren't Refunded

Reproduction Steps

It’s happened to me the past couple days, not 100% sure the trigger but I think changing a game’s icon will stop all ads running.
I’ve been testing a few different icons and a few of my campaigns have stopped running presumably because I changed the icon to something else.

Expected Behavior

I expect my ad to continue running despite an icon change, or in the very least some of my R$ to be refunded due to the early stop.

Actual Behavior

My ad shows stopped despite not intentionally stopping it. Robux are gone.


No workaround so far.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Roblox
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-12-05 00:12:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-12-06 00:12:00 (-05:00)


Same thing happened to my game, my sponsored ad was only up for a few minutes before unexpectantly being stopped and as a result I’ve lost the robux that I spent on it. (I did not change my icon, so I don’t think that’s the issue)

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This exact same bug also just happened to three of my games, all of them were put in the stopped state. I really hope Roblox fix this bug as it is impacting many developers right now.


Happened to me too, we are tracking it on this thread:


I thought this was intentional?

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I’d be fine if it was, makes sense that changing the icon would stop a run. But the fact that I don’t get refunded when it stops is a bit of a problem. Also judging by the replies it seems unrelated to the icon change and runs are just being stopped randomly for alot of devs.

Happened to me as well:

I didn’t change the icon so I don’t think that’s it?

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Wait, I just checked and it’s actually real, the ad I was running stopped for no reason…

I didn’t change anything about the ad so maybe is just roblox that stopped all the ads without telling us anything?

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I meant the non-refunding. I thought that was intentional. (I don’t like it but I thought it wasn’t a bug.)

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IDK I found it to be a pretty big issue this time because I spent 20k on an ad that stopped by itself just 10 minutes after starting.

it happened to me too

This is happening with our game Ragdoll Clicker - Roblox as well.

We started a 5 day sponsored ad run on Monday but it stopped after only a few hours apparently.

Tagging @Focia19 to hopefully help some of the users in this thread as well get this issue resolved.

Thank you!

This issue has been resolved and we will be reaching out to affected developers. Thanks for your patience.


@NorthLodgeDragon it may very well be fixed, but the other part of this issue is the Dev has no way to reconcile the Robux they spent on the Stopped ad. There is no refund visible in the Robux transaction list. We have to “take it on faith” that Roblox refunded our money but there’s no way to be certain.

Suggest that if an ad is stopped, Dev should be notified and should be made aware of the amount of Robux refunded!

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