Sponsored Experiences moving to Ads Manager

May I ask why you have to pay 25 dollars to be able to create an add template, but you have to have 50 dollars to actually run an add?

I literally paid 25 dollars expecting to be able to advertise due to this misleading note attached:

I was then forced to follow through with the last 25 dollars to actually use the money I spent. If I hadn’t, I would have wasted 25 dollars for no reason. This is outrageous! This scam honestly seems intended, and if it isn’t, you really have to do something about this Roblox…


I honestly should have read this before buying… and what’s worse is 50 dollars isn’t worth how many plays this ad will provide. I’m very disappointed in Roblox. :frowning:


Been trying out this ad manager, and so far I’m pretty disappointed with it.
$10 for a days worth of ads only gained 70 visits? Meanwhile using sponsored ads gains 500~ visits for the same amount of money.

I fear that once sponsored ads move to this USD bit model it will become less cost effective compared to using Robux.
Sponsored ads have already been watered down, it once used to be a great tool to advertise your games gaining lots of impressions and visits, but now its barely worth using only gains a fraction of visits what it used to.


You’ve gotta be kidding me. This is going to destroy any developers who don’t want to hand out their address or small developers working on equally small budges. Isn’t that obvious to the Roblox staff when everyone here seems to realize it immediately? This is going to CRUSH indie devs, solo devs, and passion projects on a platform that anyone is supposed to be able to use. I pray this is changed, because this is just crazy. I personally am going to have to start seeking alternate methods of advertising off-site because of this, if I bother to advertise again at all.


Already having issues with accessing the Ad Manager. So up until today, I was able to access the Ad Manager no problem, yet now it says you need to be 18+ to use it(despite you saying you don’t):

I have a 13+ account with verified ID and I have 20 ad credits already in my account, so I’m hoping this is just a bug.


Recently I can see that the ads manager is rolled out

I have a feature request, I believe that https://advertise.roblox.com/account/overview should be locked under a password. It is a security concern for me in case my account ever got hacked.


Will I even be able to sponsor my own game how I used to without an ad account? I really don’t want to give out my address simply for the sake of getting my game a bit more popular


Roblox replied to me saying they will eventually get rid of the address requirement for people who pay using ad credits and that the address info is to support more payment methods…
Obviously they did not comment on my claim about their “age up the platform” strategy.
Another example of a giant company trying to be half baked honestly.


I’m actually excited about the price. Especially considering the bidding system, it will not be flooded with spam ads… Ads might actually be effective now…

Just tried adding my company card that I use for almost every purchase to my ads account, getting a “payment failed to authenticate” error and it never charged my account the $1.00 verification fee… wish to get this rectified by tomorrow for the launch of this.

what’s the difference between lifetime budget and daily budget?

Anyone having an issue where they attempt to convert Robux to Ad Credits and while everything appears to be going fine, the Ad Credits never show up (even though they say it will take a few minutes).

Why. Why is a government ID now required for the same goddamn ad process as was used immediately before this new site. I have no problem with the new system except this new ad credit and ID BS. This is absolutely ridiculous. Roblox is actively destroying chances for new games like mine to get any playerbase at all.

The fact that more things keep getting locked behind ID verification is unsettling. It’s making me think logging into your account is going to be locked behind this in the future.

I was already very uncomfortable with giving Roblox my ID in the first place due to security/privacy concerns and this has been proven several times. A reply was even made to this very post about this!

Is this the future we’re looking at? Because my devs & I will GLADLY switch to another platform if growth is made more difficult in the future.


If this is not a bug and an intended feature, this is literally the end for every single indie game studio with no playerbase.


Lifetime budget is how much you want to spend on the ad campaign in total. Daily budget is how much you want to pay per day the campaign is active.

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Am I missing something here or is the minimum max bid per visit 20 cents??? seems like a massive hike in cost vs. sponsors previously.


Another issue is that the targeting options group everything together into one flight. If you have a budget of $100, and want to target 25+ with $50, 18-24 with $40 and 13-17 with $10 we won’t be able to due to the minimum budget of $20. So it’s going to be difficult or impossible to finely tune your sponsors.

Especially annoying that we now have this restriction when we finally get region based targeting options, and better age targeting options.


Will we be able to remove our address from an already existing account?


Haha, you seem to have misunderstood my remarks about the robux. I was referring to the account balance of the official roblox account, which is seen in the screenshot.
You’re not the first one to get that wrong, should probably change up that part :wink:


Curious to see other comparisons of how peoples sponsored experiences are performing under this new system vs old (which still was incredibly poor return). The real world data so far appears to have the new system giving 10% of the impressions/visits per robux spent than before. Another “win” for shareholders at the expense of developers.