Sponsored Experiences moving to Ads Manager

Users over the age of 13 are able to create Ad Account. This was a bug, which have been resolved. Thanks for reporting it.

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So whats up, why can’t I pick anything?


This update is absolutely horrendus. You cannot seriously be pushing down the smallest of developers. You cannot keep relying on big devs you embesels. I absolutely loath this update with all my heart soul and mind and I’m definetly not sponsoring any of my experiences ever again.


I have access to many games and Destination Experience dropdown menu becomes extremely cluttered.

This makes it very difficult for me to locate games especially when I have games with the same name (for testing icons, dev places)

There needs to be a group sorting and an icon preview in the list.


I absolutely agree with you CaelmDev. This update is designed to let in external companies and large brands to create ads more easily on roblox, at the expense of roblox’s own entrenched developers. This will dilute the power of sponsors further and harm smaller devs. Furthermore, having the devex rate instead of market rate for the robux to ad credit conversion punishes us roblox devs further by removing the advantage we had over external entities. With sponsors being weak as is, this would make lives even harder for smaller roblox devs. I understand the direction of where the Roblox company is trying to go, but it seems like they often forget about their own devs, as seen from the recent updates that got significant backlash.


Please dont remove the Roblox Website Ads, all it needs is a overhaul but it seems like roblox is taking the easy way and removing it instead.


I was excited to try this with the release of a new game I’m involved in being released however… The new system had other plans. Last week ran the exact same sponsor on the exact same game with the exact same amount and with the new system I have so far received almost 99% less impressions and therefore clicks and visits. It’s only been a few hours (around 8 hours) but seriously only 150 impressions??? By this time through the old system the game had way more with the amount spent.

Honestly at this point there isn’t any point spending money on ads as the game I’ve been working on has received more visits since starting the sponsor via players using the search feature.

I was optimistic, but this so far is one of the worst steps back I’ve seen in my nearly 10 years on the platform if these stats are accurate. Honestly with how bad this is, I’m thinking this may even be a bug. I hope I’m right. The system looks great if it actually worked. I hope this can be resolved as I’d like to be able to take advantage of it sometime soon without completely wasting my money. I really do try to be fair with Roblox updates but I’m going on my experience so far which has been less than ideal so far. Hopefully this will be fixed.

More in depth look at this:

The system got fixed later this same day. The impressions are still low but much higher than 150. Actually, the game I used as a reference got many MORE players than the old system with a much lower amount spent. Not sure what is going on but the system seems to be going between very bad to overkill. Anyways, feel free to try this out. It’s not broken anymore from what I can tell.


I ran a sponsor at 0.02 credits per play, and it’s been running for 6 hours now. It only has 164 impressions and 2 clicks, with no plays.

At the current rate of 285 robux for 1 credit, 0.02 credits/play is 5.7 robux/play. Most of my sponsors in the past have gotten better cost/play than that, and brought in magnitudes more impressions and plays. The new system seems to bury any sponsor that has a reasonable bid per play, leading to barely any plays. It seems it’s nearly impossible to make a profit off the sponsor system now, at best it’s only useful for getting an initial playerbase when releasing a game.

The only thing I can hope is that this is actually a result of unintended problems with the system.


just tried it out with 3k robux and got 107 impressions in 12 hours. Not staying on roblox anymore thats for sure


How are smaller development teams expected to get their games big when we’re spending 10K+ robux and getting less than 100 impressions?

I released a video on this situation.

As of now it seems like Roblox as fixed this issue.


why is my ad not showing even after spending 40 ad credits?


Tried it with $20 USD budget… haven’t gotten a single impression, click, or play after 10 hours.

Update: After 15 hours, got a whopping ELEVEN (11) impressions, not a single click or play.

Update: After nearly 18 hours I finally have 10 concurrent players


Been testing with 90 ad credits and with max bid. Not a single impression or anything after 12 hours. The system appears to be broken and now my games are dying with no sponsors.

You removed a perfectly fine, easy to use and working system, and replaced it with a convoluted, cumbersome and broken system. thank you roblox

Remove the moderation as well. What even is there that needs a mod to approve it?


Please, please, please say this is not an intended feature. This is a catastrophe. Either fix this or restore old sponsors.


I had many games that were actively and consistently being sponsored, this update made all of my games become extremely low ccu and it will probably be to late by the time its fixed now…

The new sponsor system Ads Manager also seems to not work, not a simple impression in 10 hours of running. The old system should be brought back up and restored until this new system is thoroughly tested and ready to go.

A few notes:
The UI is very bad, horizontal scrolling on the campaigns is horrible and its very small and confusing.
Also I should be able to select experience by group and then selecting, and it should display icons for the experience. I have to scroll through 200 experiences before finding one that I need to sponsor.


I decided to buy 10 ad credits to test it and then found out the minimum required is actually 20 ad credits. It’s a real shame because not everyone can afford to spend over 5000 robux to run an ad.


This update doesn’t help anyone but Roblox. They said they did the exchange to make it fair for external advertisers, as if Roblox Devs are these big bad huge entities while poor innocent [insert brand here] can’t afford rent.

This truly is a great example of Roblox trading a nickel for a dime.

Always used sponsored games and user ads, and have dropped 100k Robux in my lifetime in those. Not anymore.


I can’t even buy ad credits because it says purchase completed after I buy the ad credits but then I do not receive any ad credits whatsoever. Please fix this!

They’ve ruined sponsored ads and now they are planning to replace user ads for immersive video ads… This is gonna be such a bad idea, newer games will no longer be spotlighted.

I dont think people are gonna prefer using video ads over our current user ads like banners and skyscraper ads, it’s simple and you can definitely get more impression with the user ads it’s literally just 1 click away.


why am I getting this error when trying to create an account for the ad manager? I cleared my cookies and even tried doing this on an incognito browser

Anyone have a fix?

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