Sponsoring for a decent amount, still an abysmally low CTR

Hi, a few weeks back I sponsored for a small amount to test my icon, and it did bad. we took a lot of feedback on our icon, improved to to what we think is very high quality and eye catching, and sponsored for 6500 robux. Not only did it do bad again, it did worse.

We know at this point we can rule out our budget and our icon. our budget is about what a starting sponsorship should be, and have found at this point that our icon is very effective. we have consistently 5-15 players without running any ads because our icon appears in the “Friends Playing” list and catches eyes.

At this point, all we can think of is that it is a bug. Has anyone here experienced similar results or has an explanation for why we are struggling?


I would imagine it’s a bug, I mean you could probably post a blank white ad and get 100x higher CTR. I’m not entirely sure though because I’ve never advertised before and therefore haven’t experienced this

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This is not a bug, it’s just how sponsorships work. Compared to ads, you get a much higher impression rate with the cost of a lower conversion rate. All of the sponsor campaigns we have done have performed with a conversion rate of 0.005 - 0.008 and this is using 10,000+ Robux at a time. Despite the low conversion rate, our Robux has almost always been more profitable being spent on sponsors, even with the low rate.

Also, I noticed you just started your campaign. You really need to wait 12+ hours to actually see how it is going to perform. It’s way to early to get an idea of what the actual conversion rate is going to be (given you are in a US time zone).


CTR is relative. if 100 people see your sponsor and 1 clicks on it, the CTR is 1%. if 1,000,000 people see it and 1,000 people click, the CTR is still the same 1%. This is why - along with sprending much more this time and still having a low CTR - we have ruled out price as a factor for CTR, and have started considering the possibility of a bug

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Sponsors have always had an extremely low conversion rate. At least as long as I have used them. You have to remember, there may be 20 or so sponsored games at a time on a player’s page compared to 1-2 ads. We can spend the same amount of money on an ad and a sponsor, the ad can get a CTR that’s 100x better yet they both brought in the same amount of players.

I’d recommend running a few ads to compare it to your sponsor performance.

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we ran an ad which brought in exclusively PC players who proceeded to dislike the game after playing for ~15 seconds (yes, thats what the developer analytics said). we don’t sponsor for pc anymore because they make up 10% of our playerbase and they’re not our target audience.

would you say the icon might be a problem? are there any ways we could improve it further?

Honestly I doubt it. The icon looks fine to me. I have seen quite a few people say sponsors have been performing worse and worse as time goes on. Perhaps there is some underlying issue but I have not used it long enough to really notice a difference if there is one.

Despite us using sponsors and ads, we have always gotten the most traffic from social media. TikTok to be specific. Spending 10,000 Robux daily for a week on an ad doesn’t compare in the slightest to a single semi-viral video. If you are not having luck with ads or sponsors, I would try out social media or use a combination of both.

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What kind of social media posts do you put out?

It really depends on what game you have. What we do is search up Roblox hashtags related to our game, find which videos performed the best, and do something similar. Or, the most successful way for us, is to get an influencer to simply play/showcase your game.

I kinda got the same results on clicks and visits with sponsors but only used 200 rbx. Hopefully tomorrow it picks up stronger for you, goodluck :slight_smile:

So yes, it is definitely absurdly low, maybe contact @Bug-Support

23 hours later update:

Okay yea that’s odd. We have had low CTR rates like that if we do a really small sponsor (1000 Robux) but normally anything above 5,000 performs much better for us.

I truly don’t think it’s the icon so there might actually be some sort of other problem with Roblox sponsors. Perhaps what others have said recently about the performance being terrible has some merit. Unfortunetly I doubt this is something Roblox is going to prioritize so maybe the best option for devs is social media marketing.

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There isn’t really an issue with the CTR, but with the impressions, and we are still investigating this.
Impression count it’s not super straightforward and is known to be inflated.
However, we are working on something that will resolve this inflation long therm!

Might want to remove the “13+” targetting section since atleast personally I dont think I would be interested in this game unless it was like a few years ago

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