Sponsoring game causes 403 error when bidding low amounts of robux (e.g. 5)

Trying the sponsor game causes a 403 error (forbidden) when you make low bids (2-5 robux). If you bid 20 robux, it succeeds.

When I try to sponsor my game it gives me an error. When I open the developer tools I see it’s giving a 403 error.
It started happening like a week ago.


Go to the sponsor game page under create (this is a group game). Once you have something created run it (this is exactly what fails). I’m also bidding from 2 - 5 Robux.

Here is some specifications:

  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36
  • Platform Type: Mac
  • Device Type: Computer
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On the bright side you would only be throwing like five robux down the drain. Still should be fixed though.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have to spend a minimum of 10 Robux on a sponsorship? I don’t think the website will allow you to bid any lower, and as a result the website will give you an error. 20 Robux is above the 10 Robux minimum.


The error may or may not be fine, but regardless the bug report is still valid because the error message given is too unclear to deduce this from a user perspective.


The robux are not being spent, so im not losing them.

If its below the minimum, shouldn’t the website say that instead of giving a error?

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It sometimes says error. Or it says “Placed bid must be atleast 10 Robux.”

is it a group or a personal game?

This should be fixed! You’ll get an error when you bid below the minimum now.


Its working when I bid 20 robux. I think the issue is that im below the minimum and the error is not detailed.


I am trying to do this one a group game.

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