Sponsoring/User Ads are confusing?

One of my games after sponsoring for 4k robux (at once) got 2000+ boost in visits per day (in visits it was stuck at 2k per day before 4k sponsoring), but after 4k spent, (Monday - 3k visits, next day 5k and so on) for another game, after spending 8k robux (20+ sponsor ads with diff options, and last one also for 4000 robux), it gave almost zero acquisition/dev stats results
One of the examples:

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Did you possibly sponsor for console?

At the current state of Roblox sponsors console sponsorships are broken, or at least for me.

From my investigation, console sponsors ran for games created before July 3rd show 0% CTR on the sponsor stats. However it is just a visual bug, you still get visits from the sponsors and the CPP is not 0%.

But for the console sponsors ran for games that are created after July 3rd, the stats will show that you have 0% CTR, 0% CPP, 0 visits gained, etc. Everything zero, besides impressions. This is not a visual bug, you actually got scammed by Roblox and gained 0 visits from your sponsor, while having a large amount of impressions.

I’ve been scammed out of 30K Robux in total because of this bug. I messaged the bug-report system, I got a response “is this still happening” a week later. I replied on the same day I received the question, and now it’s been almost a month with no response. Very disappointing, as console sponsors usually perform the best.

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I spent over 2k robux on advertising, combining tablet and phone campaigns. but, my game received fewer recommendations on August 9th compared to August 8th, which is confusing since there were no updates to the game, and game rn getting the same results as before advertising

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I can’t believe this! You got scammed by Roblox!

There is a special occurrence that may happen randomly where the sponsor will not show up on any device unless the user has the “Unknown” age, which as far as I know is impossible to obtain under normal circumstances as the DOB is required on signup. This is a bug, and to fix it you must change the target audience at least once and responsor or select a different device list.

what exactly unknown means by this?
Screenshot 2023-08-12 19.48.03
Does it go to console devices?

also, i did sponsor in diff ways
Screenshot 2023-08-12 19.49.56