Sponsorships do not work with my game

Over the last couple of months I’ve been working on a new debate game inspired by “therapy” and “Up For Debate” called “The Debate”. The premise is debating with others, and I really need advice on how I could advertise it as I recently realized sponsorships are not a viable option for me. Here’s why:

A few days ago, me and my friend advertised the game through Roblox’s Sponsorship system and stayed up all night playing the game with others who joined and on this day the game was doing great peaking at approximately ~40 players.

We decided to advertise it once again on Monday (Same amount, keep in mind) yet it got no players. And this will continue to happen because there is a huge issue: Once you join, there is no one to debate with as there are no players. The literal premise of the game cannot function without atleast 2-4 players actively playing, and I believe it only got popular on Sunday as me and my friend were there for hours waiting for people to join, but that is not a viable option for long as we can’t play the game 24/7 and because we both have school/finals and vacation in the next couple of weeks.

I’m stuck on what to do now. We only have 50k Robux and we don’t know what our next step should be.

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For the sponsorships, how much did you spend?

You might have to spend all your robux in one go and hope you get lucky. Alternatively, you could pay a player or something a thousand or so just to sit in game all day, and play with others.

Spending all my Robux in one go doesn’t sound like a great idea, the game will die pretty much the day after the campaign is over.

As for paying a player, I’m still not so sure about that once. Doesn’t sound like a great idea but I currently can’t explain why.

So how much did you spend for the first night?

50K would suffice if you do 8-10K per day to ensure that players are engaged perpertually with others throughout the days. If the players participate well, it would be enough for the algorithm to feature your game across the platform. I’m personally experienced in marketing and according to empirical and theoretical knowledge, and I can assure you that if you can achieve an average player game time of 12+ minutes and high replaying rate, 50K would be more than enough for achieving exposure autonomy. If the game can’t reach the listed standards, it will not work regardless of budget.

Budget is never the key on Roblox. You can spend a million Robux but if the players leave after a few seconds then Roblox will still not feature your game. That’s why there are games with millions of visits yet hidden from the public scene and have no players.

Hypothetically, if you spent 20K only but every player spent on average 10 hours per day in your game, Roblox algorithm will put you across people’s screens in less than a few days.

Work on the game’s engagement and replayability, not vain marketing strategies. :grin: Good luck!

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The universal answer whatever the game is just to try every combination of target audience - what age and device. You need to advertise around 2 weeks for the roblox algorithm and there need to be at least one person at any time in your game. The first week you need to find what combination of targed ages, devices (and even icons and thumbnails if you want) works the best for your game. You will do this while splitting the credits into more but smaller ads for this purpose. After you finish the week you will need to see the results and you are going to spend the rest of your money to the second week with your best combination (it needs to be more then the half of your budget). After this week if you do everything correct and the game is still not in the algorithm there is prety high chance that the game is not going in front pages with or whiteout advertising. At this point the best you can do is to just to start another project. Like thats the basics I know so yeah, hope it helps. :eyes:

I really would advise against advertising, those players wont come back to your game and from what I’ve seen, they are literal illiterate toddlers playing. I sponsored a game and had a feedback feature, all of the feedback was (4bsadh47^4326) or “i can t ply tis gam”, you need genuine fans, wish ROBLOX WOULDN’T HAVE REMOVED THE USER ADS FEATURE

Sponsors have been going well for me so far actually depending on who I advertise to. If I target VC I typically get players who use voice chat who are typically 13+