Spook! - Team Ghost Hunting Game

Hey all! I’m Infinite_Visions, solo dev of Visions Games.

I’ve recently launched my new game Spook, and really wanted some feedback on the builds/game/style/gameplay before I advertise with a full launch. Without further ado,


Game Link: Spook! 👻 - Roblox


In this game, a ghost runs rampant, taking control of objects, jump scaring the Hunters, and causing chaos. It is the Hunter’s job to defeat this ghost, by teaming up and zapping it into oblivion. However, the Ghost has a few tricks up its sleeves. . .

Customize your Ghost, your vacuum, your beam, and have fun :slight_smile:


Game Images


Ghost Characters/Shop:

Map Kitchen

Map Creepy Closet

Creepy Mannequins

Map Portal


Map Dining Room

Known Glitches/Future Fixes
  • I’ll be improving the crouch functionality, it is currently wacky.
  • Settings Gui
  • Improved Lighting
  • Sounds (more of them, louder)
  • Traps from previous games
  • sprint for ghost?

I would love any and all feedback. I’m bug testing in game, feel free to stop by and check it out. I’d love the company and help. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Happy near-Halloween! :ghost::jack_o_lantern:


I’ve updated the AFK so it times you out at 45 seconds, instead of 25. The AFK is there to prevent people from just farming money, by joining rounds then going AFK. Thanks for your patience!

If you are AFK, the 1/2 Players Needed changes to 0/2 Players.

I fixed the Trash Vacuum (given to you when you get the secret badge), and the Shrek’s Ghost skin (given to you when you find the hidden badge).

Heheh, I've created a masterpiece



I fixed a fatal game glitch, where the round would break. I also added longer intermission, louder sounds, and game music. This should fix it up :slight_smile:

No idea what was going on. No guide or instructions. Give us some hints. If I am ghost let me know and tell me what I need to do. Spawns are visible btw.
There is always a risk with 2 player min games that you will never get enough people to play. I joined with an alt on tablet then tried to play but wasnt sure what to do in first round.
So, more hints or instructions pls.

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Thanks, this is an easy fix :slight_smile:

This is a great idea! Thanks for your feedback, I’ll make sure to add a tutorial!