Spooky Area In Game First Preview

I recently had finished my first build for the spooky area in my game, what things do you recommend to add to these, I would like to note and thank my last post that helped me shape this area the way it is. I am adding bones, some red lighting areas, and cobwebs to this, but what else would you like to see ? the mansion is currently unfinished from the idea, and it does need some more detailing on the outside, but for the most part it is finished.

The Graveyard

The Mansion From the Outside


And fyi; this is a Sanrio-based game. I wanna keep this game cute but also add some cool elements to it while keeping a blocky style :smiley:


Looks a lot better than before, though there is still some emptiness.

Overall, well done!

Looks great! I’d suggest making it a bit darker if youre really going for spooky!

Hey there! I would suggest adding some fogdistance and tweak that a bit so that you can’t see like 20 feet in front of you, and also maybe lower the GUIs a bit because they take up alot of the screen and lower the overall game