This is first time I’m facing a potential issue like this, so I just want to know what’s going on.
I recently faced some interesting messages in my Discord Logs, which are basically a webhook that receives and posts reports from the game. The only thing players can report in the game right now is the custom music played on a radio item.
But some reports seemed like an attempt, or an actual functional backdoor.
The current script, which is responsible for the remote event looks like this:
if script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Custom.Playing then
local s = string.split(script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Custom.SoundId,"//")[2]
if not AlreadyReported[s] then
AlreadyReported[s] = true
table.insert(_G.Reports,"**"..player.Name.." ("..player.UserId..")** Reported **"..s.. plyedBy .."for **".. reason.."**".. "\n".. s)