Spoon feeding policy

Is spoonfeeding permitted here? Nowadays, the number of spoonfed posts has gone up. When we see one, are we able to flag it? Should we just reach out to the poster and ask them to include an explanation? What’s the policy for this?


You probably shouldn’t flag these posts–they’re providing a solution, even if it’s not necessarily clear. Asking for elaboration and explanation is definitely the way to go.


If you can provide a better solution to a support thread that is already marked as solved, feel free to do so.

In the case that you think a marked solution is a spoonfeed and there’s another post in the topic with a more in-depth solution, feel free to message the topic owner to change it, ask the solution poster to improve it, or if all else fails let us know @Community_Sage and we can take a look. The post marked as solution should be the one that is most useful to people who have a similar problem to OP, so one with the most in-depth discussion about why the problem is happening and why the provided solution solves it.