Spotify Home UI recreation!

Hello! I randomly thought of an idea at exactly 12:04 AM and that was to recreate the Spotify Home UI for absolutely no reason, so here it is!

i obviously won’t be publishing this for, well, every single reason in the universe

I can now finally press the “Del” button on “ScreenGui”.

I appreciate all feedback!


Reminds me one of my abandoned for now plugins. Not sure how outdated this screenshot is.

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Ooh, I’ve actually (believe it or not) never seen a game with Spotify integrations (assuming that the plugin has integrations since, well, spotify logo lul). Having a Spotify plugin would be preeetty useful for developers, would be epic to see that plugin be brought back to life if you’re planning on that any time soon. I also like the clean-ness of your UI! (just a bit blurry with some icons, but definitely fixable :D)

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When plugin was almost done, I found out that spotify API tokens were expiring after an hour or so. The main problem was creating a working application login system, I think I would make it easily now, however in order to publish this plugin, I would need to create a guide on how you can create an application in spotify. I’m not the best GUI designer, but you can always improve the GUI yourself, obviously everything will be open-source if it gets released.

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Reminds me of a game where it’s discord UI. Looks clean and nice. Could probably easily make this where you can listen to music from the marketplace or something.

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Hmm, I could also maybe use Spotify API to get current playing song (which would be pretty cool) but if I were to publish it I would have to change a lot of things cause everything is so unorganized in the explorer. Mainly made this for showcase but we’ll see, I might make it somethin more.

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Even as a showcase using spotify API would be cool. Definitely a cool UI design, need to start getting back into that. Also just now noticed the “(on a budget)” haha.

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Gotcha. I’ll try turn this into an actual game (for showcase reasons) with the api working and button functionality. I might even make my own version where players can “create” their own songs but, maybe in the future. Thank you for all of your feedback :smiley:

aaaand well, it technically is Spotify on a budget LUL

It looks very good! You did a nice job of recreating the Spotify UI look!