Spread Kindness Campaign Information

Spread Kindness Campaign
promoted by Pluto Corporation

The Spread Kindness campaign was created by Pluto Corp founder t_arot to help raise awareness of online bullying and harassment on ROBLOX and other gaming platforms. The campaign consists of advertisements placed on ROBLOX and other platforms reminding others to “Spread Kindness.” This campaign is going to run through Spring, and may be renewed later for a Summer/Fall/Winter campaign.

Can I contribute?
You can contribute to the Spread Kindness campaign by purchasing the campaign t-shirts below. 100% of sales go to ad funding. If you’d like to contribute a larger amount, send me a message on ROBLOX, follow to message.

Can I get involved?
Absolutely! Please contact me to get involved.

Other Information
Throughout the campaign, I will be releasing statistics and thanking various contributors along the way. If you’d like to appear in one of the ads, please contact me on ROBLOX.

Contribution Shirts:

Campaign Group: