Here’s a quick video showing off what I mean:
Does anyone know how to fix this? I’ve tried several things and nothing has stopped the jittering.
Here’s a quick video showing off what I mean:
Does anyone know how to fix this? I’ve tried several things and nothing has stopped the jittering.
Can you tell us what you’ve tried? It would help so we can rule out some options here.
Try increasing the damping in to the thousands.
For my chassis over 5000 breaks things but around 500-2k should be good.
You may also want to look at the density of the parts your springs are connected to.
Density tends to increase the strength of the constraint.
Increasing both the stiffness and dampening did not work.
Do you have a prismatic constraint attached with each spring so the sorting only moves vertically?
Have you tried applying a min/max length limit?
If none of the above work, and me a copy of one of your chassis’ and I’ll take a look for you.
I have a cylendricalconstaint to keep it upright, would a prismatic work better?
And yes, there are length limits enabled.