Spring constraint keeps moving for no visible reasons

Hello, since a long time i’ve been working on a train kit, however when i tried to make the suspensions more solid / stiff to make it look more realistic they started acting weird and moving for no reasons making it looks completely dumb and broken, does anyone know how to fix this? (The bug occurs right after stoping the train)

It also dosent do that when it never move, it only does it after the train moved.

Examples :https://gyazo.com/120544c690de57aa758e7e66119fe155

The springs are place on all 4 sides of the cars, their stiffness is 200000, their dampening is 10000 and the mass of a coach is 2000(kg?)

Hi, sorry if I really am no help but could you actually show me how you made the suspension, hopefully you’ll find the solution

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