I made a game called Midnight Fuel and the doors in it are push open doors which work by using a hinge constraint and a spring constraint on each side. The issue that I am having is that some people with not good internet can’t walk smoothly through the door. Instead, they have to walk into the door continuously as the doors slowly gets pushed open, making the door appear to be pushing against the player. Are there certain ways for spring constraints to work or is that a common problem to have?
I am guessing that is is the spring constraint but it could possibly be the hinge constraint too
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this seems like a NetworkOwnership issue, you might want to look into that if you want to keep the doors physics based, but wouldnt it seem more logical to have like a ‘drag with mouse’ physics door than pushing with your body? (im assuming this is how your door is currently working from the details you have given lol)
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