Spring Fairy is attached to the Head rather than the Torso/LeftCollar

The Spring Fairy item has a HatAttachment in it rather than a LeftCollarAttachment (see Fall Fairy)

Visual Aids:

Spring Fairy is attached to the Head unlike the other one

Expected behavior:

Spring Fairy should be attached to the Torso via the LeftCollarAttachment as seen in the video above


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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By the way just a note, this exact bug happens to Winter Fairy too as it is a retexture of the Spring Fairy item that I mentioned in the original post above. Thank you.

This issue has been fixed on Spring Fairy however it still happens to Winter Fairy, a retexture of the Spring Fairy item.

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