Repro Place Uncopylocked: Spring Repro - Roblox
To test enter the car’s driver seat and press any of the test buttons.
A video showcasing the repro where by walking into a spring a lot of replication lag is caused, which lags the server as well as the client. @Firebrand1 can be seen with his physics desynced after changing the stiffness of a constraint, on his screen he was standing but on my screen, I was able to push him over and he stayed fallen over: SpringConstraint bugs - YouTube
Terrain disappears after changing stiffness.
I was not able to consistently reproduce the teleport to (0,0,0) and couldn’t get a proper recording of the behaviour.
SpringConstraint.FreeLength = math.huge
SpringConstraint.Damping = math.huge
SpringConstraint.Stiffness = math.huge