SpringConstraint functions differently in a HumanoidRootPart

Hello everyone,

Just here to pick your amazing brains about something regarding spring constraints. I know this may be out of the ordinary for the use case, but it’s the only constraint that pretty much does what i want it to do.

What’s the problem?
Well when you equip an attachment to the HumanoidRootPart and attach up a springconstraint from the root to an anchored part somewhere on the map, the outcome is different from when you apply a spring constraint from a tool to the exact part. The question is, am I missing something that’s unique about this humanoidrootpart?

I don’t have any code to show for it, but you can easily try it out yourself by making a quick tool with a handle and equipping a springconstraint to an anchored part in a baseplate. These are the results that I experienced:

SpringConstraint inside a HumanoidRoot

SpringConstraint inside a tool handle

Things I have tried

  • The entire character is massless as well with the tool when it’s used.
  • The SpringConstraint on both cases have been given 500 freelength and 0 maxforce on the spring.
  • I have tried collision groups to see if it had any impact.
  • I’ve tried other body parts and i get the same result if i was to use a springconstraint on a tool, it still glides.

The only best result is within the humanoidrootpart and I would like to know what’s so special about that part outside all the others. This has been an issue that’s been driving me insane, if any of you have any ideas, please let me know!


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