I’m trying to make a physically-simulated platform that bounces when the player steps on it. To do this, I’m using SpringConstraints – there are four of them, which are symmetric across the platform.
Repro.rbxl (17.4 KB)
Even though they’re symmetric, the springs seem stronger on one side than on the other.
Standing on one side should move that side down and the other side up, but as you can see this only happens when standing on the right side. The platform doesn’t behave properly when I stand on the left side: the left side is only slightly lower than the right, and the whole platform moves down. There is a similar discrepancy between standing on the front/back.
What did I do wrong in setting up the SpringConstraints to cause this? I’ve made sure all the attachments are pointed the same way, relative to where they’re attached, and double checked that the properties on the SpringConstraints are the same. I’ve also made sure there is no overconstraining with the Physics Analyzer.