Ticket Purchases
A-Chassis Better Vehicle Lighting System
- Same as the normal one
- Reverse & Braking Lights
- Beeps when reversing (optional)
Price : 129 R$
Demonstration Video
Database Singleton
- Easy to use Database Singleton to simplify saving and loading data to your datastore in a safer way
Price : 349 R$
User Entity Structure
User entity structure for basic transport game.
- Optimized, safe and strong server structure
- User data such as Money, Distance and Vehicle inventory pre-included
- Can be combined with DataBase Singleton
- Can be combined with Basic Vehicle Spawner w Currency
- Easily manipulate users data for your transport game
- Save and load distance, money, and vehicle inventory
- Build your transport game around this basic structure
IMPORTANT: This code is advanced and may be very hard to understand for users with average programming experience.
Make sure you can understand the documentions at the link above, before buying.
Price : 749 R$
Automatic Gate with Sensor
- Models including : barrer, Traffic light ( made by Tihamer )
- Sensor part recognizing DriveSeat on A-Chassis Vehicles
- Easy to set up
- Has pointlights ( only turns on during night )
Price : 200 R$