Squid game glass system

sooo i was scammed recently. Basically, I made this system for someone, but they just blocked me on discord. sooo time to open source it!!! Basically, it’s a squid game glass system. It’ll randomize the glass and one glass plate will fall anytime you touch them. Here’s the model:

glass squid game model.rbxm (10.9 KB)



Rip, sorry about that :frowning:
You should report him on HiddenDevs and all the mutual servers you have with him. Thanks for open-sourcing it.


thanks, the thing is he left hidden devs. So even if I did, the mods couldn’t do anything. Scaredy cat.


Even if he left the Hidden Developers discord server, they have a scam investigation team which reaches out to their affiliates about new scammers. They also have a public scam log which some big servers use. So even if the user isn’t in the HD discord server, they can still get banned from all of the servers that use HD’s public scam log or their discord bot.


Yikes. Imagine scamming.

You did a great job making this model,
That scammer is apparently one of those who rely on others and free models and cant do anything alone.

He is not worth your anger and frustration.

Good job man.


how much were they going to pay for this?

3k robux with tax included is how much they offered to pay

You see, nobody can keep you safe except billion dollar companies who cares about you with legal mesures, such as Fiverr. Discord groups aren’t legal companies or signed -up associations, which means, it actually provides minimal safety protection.
Thank you for the model, however.
If you would like to give us the scammer’s username, I might be able to do a little trolling :wink:


He is Hydro#0003 but hes probably a coward and changed his tag and user.


isnt squid game kinda dead now?


Tell the commisioneer. He wanted it.


I was just saying bruh… That Squid Game ded :skull:

It’s a shame you got scammed, but it’s a good script. I’d advise to not do deals on HiddenDevs, or if you do, don’t go first or you can use a trusted middleman.

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I dont call this scamming, but stealing his time instead. Atleast he didnt send the model

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Even if he didn’t send the model (which he didn’t state whether he did or not) it’s now open sourced meaning the scammer can get the product, but not supply the payment.

It’s terrible that you got scammed. While it’s nice you’ve put out a resource for all to use after you got scammed, next time, try to be a little more careful.

Don’t worry, I’ve got that undercover. :wink:

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I never sent the model, He just had to go “sleep” right after i finished.


Yeah, i never go first. Middle mans are risky, they have the power to do anything.

Can you add a picture/video/gif of this in action?

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Nice work man sorry to hear you got scammed but just a tip incase you feel like using this in the future, id disable can collide on the object when its falling since you can jump and get to the next pad with ease.

(id report the person in hidden devs if I were you.)

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