Squid game! (My first project) (Updates will be here!)

(The first one to join the communications server can be found on the Trello board will get a special role!) (ended)
My upcoming first game!
So I’ve seen these “Squid Game” copies in Roblox and then I got inspired to do a game just like Squid Game and just give it a try.
The project started on: 11/27/2021
The game’s state: Currently the Lobby is designed with beds but I’d like to build the lobby when I’m done with the major stuff. The first game (Redlight Greenlight) has been finished with only a few bugs that I am actively working on for a fix but for now, I’ve left it with an alternative solution until I fix the major bugs and go on to the small bugs. The second game is partly done I’ve made sure to do my best on both Modeling and Building (as well as my colleague basam168 on the building category in this game) and Scripting and even Animating (I’ve made some animations and put them aside so when the important stuff are finished I’d tweak them If they needed or script them when required.)
GFX: I do not currently have GFX for the game however soon enough I’d get one (Please do not judge by the title/Screenshots and judge by the gameplay!)
Game passes: There is only one current game pass which is VIP all perks it gives you right now is just a special Text-color and two stars in between your name and a text inside that says: “VIP” nametag like this "( :star:VIP :star: ) etc but In the future, I am going to add more perks If I can there is a possibility that I will and won’t and I do have a Trello-board if you re interested!
Development progress (Trello)
I hope to see you all amazing people out there playing my game! (If you have suggestions for my game please suggest them!) My game’s link: Squid game! If you want to support my project then please buy the VIP (It’s optional as what I seek is the player’s fun, not Robux)
And if you find bugs please report them! (I work on the game almost every day so you might see me In-game sometimes.

Who built this: wesam1992, basam168 (I took some inspiration from others)
Scripted by: wesam1992
Animated by wesam1992
Who helped me with their tutorials and fixes and some people’s plugins:
Inspired me to add blood in-game: Surdye ( not yet released but trying to get it to function as intended),
Dev_Ryan (How to check if the player moved),
damage (helped solve a damage script,
Interface Tools
By @fivefactor

  1. teleportasync (developer hub roblox) weld script Qin2007 1 Dev_Ryan (Detect if the player is moving or stopped)
    Ozzypig (Weld plugin) CloneTrooper1019 (Tool Grip Editor plugin)
    sleitnick (Datastore editor) (edited)

xsixx (Moon Animator 2)
(Remind me if I forgot someone!)
(Communication links are in the Trello board!)
As always I hope to see you there!
(I will be posting updates here (Possibly) and in the #dev-updates channel in the communications server!)
Thank you for reading this as a whole! - wesam1992

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  • No
  • Maybe
  • Needs more work

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